Join Now

Thank you for your interest in joining with other individuals across New York State! We welcome all who are passionate about supporting gifted learners and bringing gifted education to our state.

Level Price  


The price for membership is $25.00 per Year. Join Now


The price for membership is $15.00 now. Join Now

Why Join?

Individual Members:

  • Connect with parents, educators, professionals, and others who are dedicated to supporting New York State’s gifted population in our private, members-only Facebook group
  • Members-only email updates
  • Eligibility to run for office or join the Board of Directors
  • Enjoy further benefits as we grow!

Student Members:

  • Enjoy all the benefits of Individual membership, plus enjoy a special student discount on membership and events!

Where does my membership fee go?

GiftedNYS is an all-volunteer organization, and we can’t do it without your help. Your annual membership fee will be put to good use toward growing and developing the organization as a powerful force for change. Our current financial priorities are:

  • Funding operating costs (website fees, printed materials, and other business services)
  • Supporting member outreach and delivering quality events
  • Becoming the official state affiliate for New York with the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC)

We care about all gifted kids and don’t want cost to be hurdle to membership. If you are unable to pay the membership fee at this time, please contact us at so we can work with you.

Thank you for supporting GiftedNYS and gifted education in New York State!