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An inclusive community advocating for gifted learners, their families, and educators.

New York State’s Students’ Access to Advanced Courses to be Expanded!

On September 7, 2023, Governor Hochul signed NYS Bill A514A/S5650A, “expanding access to advanced courses to improve educational equity” into law, taking effect on July 1, 2024. This new law aims to improve educational equity by requiring school districts and charter schools to provide annual notification to students and parents on opportunities and benefits of participating in advanced courses, how to prepare for and access such courses, and availability of related financial and academic support.

Advocacy Works

Thank you to everyone who advocated for this important step forward!
GiftedNYS’s members,
Our broader community,
All of our NYS legislators that made it happen,
Primary sponsors Assemblymember Peoples-Stokes & Senator Liu,
Education committee chairs Senator Mayer & Assemblymember Benedetto, and
Governor Hochul.

To read the bill and for a full list of co-sponsors please visit:
A00514 on and S05650 on

Please consider reaching out to your state legislators to thank them for their support of New York’s students.

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Make a positive difference for New York’s students by becoming more involved in GiftedNYS!
Gifted New York State, Inc. (GiftedNYS), is a 501 (c) 3 not-for-profit organization of parents, educators, and professionals who have come together to support the needs of New York’s gifted and twice-exceptional (2E) student population and their families.​ To learn more about our work, visit us online at
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