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DEI Statement: Gifted New York State on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

We EMBRACE DIVERSITY and ENCOURAGE DIFFERENCES recognizing that giftedness, including twice-exceptionality, exist across all cultures, ethnicities, races, and faiths; therefore, we are committed to hearing, embracing, and empowering all voices in our shared goal of recognizing, identifying, and supporting the academic, and social-emotional needs for New York’s gifted and talented student population and their families.

We ENGAGE in practices, discussions, and actions that create and maintain equity for all because we acknowledge that systemic inequality affects access to gifted education.

We are COMMITTED to creating, building, and cultivating a culture of inclusion and connectedness, with a focus on student strengths and talent development.

We are REFLECTIVE and TRANSFORMATIVE due to the shared belief that change is growth and growth is progress.

Approved by the BoD 10/16/2021

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